manufacturing insurance

Manufacturing Insurance


Manufacturer insurance, also known as product insurance, protects a manufacturer or supplier of a product from the cost of a compensation claim (usually injury) as a result of faulty design or defective manufacture. As a manufacturer you may be considered liable for any injury or property damage as a result of using your product, even if the fault is traced back to a component you have bought in a claim can still be made against you.

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Manufacturing companies legal responsibility

Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, products must be "fit for purpose" manufacturers are legally responsible for any damage or injury that a product you supply may cause.

Product suppliers

If you supply a faulty product, claimants may try to claim from you first, even if you did not manufacture it. You'll be liable for compensation claims if:

  • your business' name is on the product - ie the manufacturer made it for your brand
  • your business repairs, or modifies it
  • you imported it from outside the EU
  • you are unable to identify the maker
  • the manufacturer has gone out of business




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